Monday, April 21, 2014

Best Martial Arts Movie Of All Time

Jakarta Does It Best

No martial arts movie has such varied fight scenes that just kept you yelling at the screen. The Raid 2: Berandal, is a direct sequel to the hit indonesian movie The Raid: Redemption. This 150 minute long movie has a plot that has viewers invested and doesn't have them just waiting for the next fight scene. Here is one clip to give you all a taste:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Titanfall Mythbusters: Episode One

Titans Can Be Flawed

As with most major multiplayer games, there are still questions to be answered after its release. Titanfall is no exception to this rule. Here is some gamers' attempt to answer those questions.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Heartbleed Bug: What you Should Know and How to Proceed

The Internet is Flawed

We have all known this for awhile but a security flaw this huge is hard to ignore and we all must take certain steps to protect ourselves. Mashable has a great guide on which sites were affected and how to resolve the issue.

Heartbleed Bug: Websites Affected